"Sacriledge! everyone whose read this blog knows gecks' favorite movies are transformers 1 and 2!" they say. "its not artsy or cool, my hipster friends say it looks plebian and pedantic" they say "this movie looks like shit" they say. I speak of course of the coolest looking fucking move ever made, and the fucker isn't even out yet. I speak of Sucker Punch. go on, watch this trailer. I got time to kill.
ok, you catch all that? you didn't? let me go down a quick list to tell you exactly what this movie has that makes me happy.
Jon Hamm playing a brothel owner
a samurai with a mini gun
dragons fighting bombers
random zeppelin crashing
girls fighting in sexy costumes with both sword and gun
Badass fight music
a girl in an insane asylum
sexy dance sequences in a whorehouse
zombie and robot killing
world war I trenches next to a castle
girls in schoolgirl costumes
time travel
\ok, I hear you "Gecko, this DOES sound like a badass movie, but who wrote it? who directed it? surely its gonna be fucked up by that guy, right?" fuck and no, it won't, because the director and writer of sucker punch is a topflight, no holds bar, balls to the wall badass. thats right, the only guy who can buy a house on the same floor as Michael Bay in my movie maker power tower, Zach snyder.
who is Zach Snyder, you ask? well, he's the guy who directed 300 and watchmen, two of the most balls to the wall face crushingly awesome movies ever, I mean, you saw the part in 300 were they make a wall of dead persians, right? or when Leonidas plowed his wife? or when they cut a persian dudes head off in slow motion? fuck and yes you do, because those parts of 300, along with most of the rest of it, were BAD FUCKING ASS. ok, Maybe you didn't see 300, I get it. Maybe you saw watchmen? with the badass opening title sequences, and the tits, and the guy getting his face scalded off with burning oil, or a a midget gangster getting murdered, or rohrshach killing 3 dudes in a bathroom without even using a gun or a weapon? or the part with the purple bat liger? or rohrshach murdering two dogs? yes you do, because watchmen was excellent, thats why. Zach Snyder knows what he's doing with movies, he's not gonna make you think, or force deep life questions on you, He's gonna stomp you in the nuts with awesome and then tongue punch your sisters baby box in slow motion. Here are Snyders words about the movie:
"On the other hand, though it's fetishistic and personal, I like to think that my fetishes aren't that obscure. Who doesn't want to see girls running down the trenches of World War One wreaking havoc? "
I can tell you who doesn't want to see that, FUCKING NO ONE.
the only flaw with sucker punch is its not out till goddamned march, which means I have to wait another 5 fucking months to see it. 2011 is going to be chock a block with kickass movies. Sucker Punch, Thor, Transformers 3 and captain america, plus the hangover 2 allegedly, who isn't fucking wet? go watch that trailer 100 more times and tell me your not excited to see sucker punch.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
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